AOSTE - 2015
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Code generation for time-triggered platforms based on Real-Time Scheduling

Participants : Dumitru Potop Butucaru, Raul Gorcitz, Yves Sorel.

We have continued this year the work on real-time scheduling and code generation for time-triggered platforms. Much of this work was carried out as part of a trilateral collaboration with Airbus DS and the CNES, which have funded an (onerous) TTEthernet-based test platform and partly funded the post-doctorate of Raul Gorcitz. The remainder of Raul Gorcitz' post-doc has been funded by the ITEA3 Assume project.

This year, the objective has been to allow code generation on an industry-grade platform comprising ARINC 653-based computers connected through a TTEthernet network. The novelty with respect to previous years comes from the time-triggered TTEthernet network, whose scheduling properties raise new problems. Unlike in classical field buses, resource reservation in a TTEthernet network is done at the level of directed links (physical wires that connect routers and end stations). Each of these links is controlled by an arbiter that determines the scheduling of both time-triggered data transfers and control messages needed to ensure the global time synchronization. This year we have built a model of the TTEthernet network allowing precise real-time scheduling, and worked on code generation aspects. We expect to have a fully running prototype in the next 2 months, and to demonstrate it to our funders. Relevant publications are [18] , [38] .

For teaching purposes and to achieve a finer understanding of ARINC 653-based operating systems, we have also developed an implementation of the standard on inexpensive RaspberryPi platforms, and published a scientific vulgarization paper [55] .